Revista Ştiinţifica "V. Adamachi"
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Facultatea de Fizică
Facultatea de Fizică
Universitatea "Al.I.Cuza" Iaşi
Titlu: Active learning strategies for developing pupils' creativity in Physics
Autori: Ofelia Ionescu, Ana Machiu
Afiliere: “Alecu Russo”Middle School, str. Libertăţii, nr. 24-26, Iaşi, Romania,
Abstract: The teachers are asked to open all the ways, encouraging pupils to improve their intellectual skills by providing individual and group tasks, encouraging student’s liberty of choosing actions. Contextualizing the assessment as pedagogical model adjusted to the multiple intelligences profiles, the teacher must address student capacity to wield cultural symbols and to carry out creative activities.The objectives of this research are: to identify and practice some active learning strategies; to conceive some flexible strategies of using the active learning techniques in Physics lessons; to publish a methodological guide for the Physics teachers. For a better correlation between the objectives and the teaching activities we have adapted the contents so that we can exploit what the pupils already know, to lead them to discover new things or to correct through research and investigation what is unclear. Throughout the academic year the pupils have done the following things: devices, drawings, scientifical and literary essays, projects, games, worksheets. They have studied Physics at home, in the laboratory, in nature, working in groups, individually or in pairs. To observe the impact of the project upon the pupils we have realised a study case using the following instruments: questionnaires - which were applies periodically, evolution graphics for each pupil and each class involved in the project, evolution graphics for every pupil and every class that were not involved in the project, a comparison analysis of the two classes, the growing number of the pupils taking part in school competitions in Physics and their performance.
Revista V. Adamachi