Revista Ştiinţifica "V. Adamachi"
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Facultatea de Fizică
Facultatea de Fizică
Universitatea "Al.I.Cuza" Iaşi
Titlu: Anaglyph images in physics
Autori: Mitrea Letiţia
Afiliere: Technical College “I.C.ŞTEFĂNESCU “, str.Socola nr.51-53 , Iaşi , Romania
Abstract: In this essay I wanted to identify most relevant graphic images that are to be studied in highschools according to our curriculum and that can be treated in anaglyphic key, and used with benefit in teaching . Also , this essay is a start point for obtaining didactic anaglyphs saved on electronic device . After a brief overview , we present the advantages and disadvantages in didactic usage of the anaglyphs , followed by a short exposal of the method of constructing anaglyphs . Because the Adobe Photoshop program is widely known , and can be useful in constructing anaglyphs, we present the transformation matrixes for this program , and the 5 types of anaglyphs that can be such obtained , also with advantages and disadvantages for each . APPENDIX I contains the list of graphics included in actual curriculum for physics that can be regarded as appropriate anaglyph images for didactic use . APPENDIX II contains a collection of anaglyph images made by geometrical method , and some using the dedicated program Auto 3D .
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Revista V. Adamachi