Facultatea de Fizică Universitatea "Al.I.Cuza" Iaşi
Autori: Chiriac Alexandru Nicolae, Podaru Valeriu Teodor, Angheluţă Cătălin |
Afiliere: Colegiul "Gheorghe Roşca Codreanu",Bârlad |
Abstract: Every day the sound is part of our lives, in such a degree that rarely we take into account all its functions. Sound is a physical,phenomenon that stimulates the sense of hearing. It is defined as any pressure variation that can be detected by human ear. The ears are the organs of hearing. They may charge strong sounds as the noise of a plane, but also barely discernible sounds , like whispering. The object that produces the sound makes the air around it to vibrate.Ears are made to perceive these vibrations, which are called sound waves.Ears are carrying the sound through a channel called auditory canal. Some go through this passage until they meet a thin membrane - tympanum - and makes it to vibrate.The auditory system isn’t very complicated, but is very detailed and it should be studied carefuly to be understood, because it contains many informations of physics, biology and chemistry. In the next article we are trying to make you understand better how the auditory system works end to explain how do we hear. |
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