Facultatea de Fizică Universitatea "Al.I.Cuza" Iaşi
Titlu: Dimensiunea fractală în diagnosticul patologiei maligne |
Autori: Cristian Murguleţ1, Felicia Roşca2, Dorina Creanga1 |
Afiliere: 1Universitatea „Al.I.Cuza” Iasi, Facultatea de Fizica
2Spitalul Universitar Iasi |
Abstract: In this paper a study was carried out on several cases of Computer Tomograph (CT) images bouth normal and malign once. Fractal dimension was calculated using box- counting method and a convenient software FractalFox. It was revelead that brain tumors leads to the increase of fractal dimension with about 10%. This computation investigation maybe proposed as alternative diagnosis in sight in medical practice as a supplementary diagnosis tool. |
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