Facultatea de Fizică Universitatea "Al.I.Cuza" Iaşi
Titlu: Direcţii noi în structura conţinuturilor de fizică şi chimie: abordarea interdisciplinară |
Autori: Mădălina Aruxandei, Gabriela Giurgi, Tamara Slătineanu |
Afiliere: Colegiul Tehnic „Gh. Asachi”, strada Sărăriei nr.189 Iaşi |
Abstract: There may have been a time, when it was still acceptable for a scientific education to care only about one subject area to the exclusion of others, but in the 21stcentury, science is interdisciplinary. Through this paper we want to share our approach concerning teaching pupils not only about discovering facts, but also about interconnections betwen facts and their complex causes, facts as effects from different points of view: physical, chemecal, mathematical etc. Interdisciplinarity is tongible with our courses making them more popular and less difficult for pupils.
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