Facultatea de Fizică Universitatea "Al.I.Cuza" Iaşi
Autori: Focşa Iustinian Mihail, Şerban Mircea Constantin, Angheluţă Cătălin |
Afiliere: Colegiul Naţional “Gh. Roşca Codreanu” Bârlad |
Abstract: Balance is necesary for our daily activities, the human walk is one of its applications, but we all consider it something simple: we all think that the condition for balance is that the center of body mass must be situated on a vertical that crosses the
support zone described by the feet, ignoring its complexity. In fact, the balance and walk are two things extremely complicated physicaly and biologicaly speaking. This study shows their analisys, clarifying their importance for our lives. To realize this study we have focused our attention upon balance and walking, noting the remarks that we had made. |
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