Facultatea de Fizică Universitatea "Al.I.Cuza" Iaşi
Titlu: Elaborarea şi introducerea in lecţie a unei aplicaţii concrete de instruire asistată de calculator |
Autori: Cristina Carmen Brînză |
Afiliere: Grupul Şcolar „Ştefan Procopiu”, Calea Chişinăului 8, Iaşi |
Abstract: Design, building and including of computer-assisted application in physics courses. Using the computer as an educational device requires new ways of conceiving and organizing the teaching process. For maximum efficiency, is imperious necessary to think in advance all steps of design and building for dedicated software. After these steps, is necessary to include the software efficiently in classes. This paper presents all steps in design and building software for physics and possible ways to include physics software during course teaching. |
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