Facultatea de Fizică Universitatea "Al.I.Cuza" Iaşi
Titlu: Estimarea cantităţii de aliaj Fe-Co electrodepusă în structuri cu pori micro- şi nanodimensionali |
Autori: Antonela Marele, R. Bosânceanu, F. Brînză şi N. Suliţanu |
Afiliere: “Al.I.Cuza” University of Iasi, Department of Solid State Physics and Theoretical Physics,
Blvd. Copou 11, 700506 Iasi, Romania |
Abstract: The estimation of electrodeposited quantity of Fe-Co in structures with micro- and nanodimensional pores. In this paper we present the comparations between the quantity of Fe-Co alloy experimentally deposited in a porous polyethylene membrane and theoretically estimated quantity. The experimental deposited quantity was measured by the difference of weight before and after deposition of substance using analytical balance. The theoretical estimation was made by integration of the currenttime curve registered during the experiment. The weight difference was explained through different coexistent phenomenon during the electro deposition, relieved on the curve current-time. |
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