Revista Ştiinţifica "V. Adamachi"
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Facultatea de Fizică
Facultatea de Fizică
Universitatea "Al.I.Cuza" Iaşi
Titlu: Evaluarea gradului de poluare a raului Sitna, Botosani
Autori: Nadia Mona Covaşă1, Dumitru Alin Covaşă2, Liviu Leontie3
Afiliere: 1Liceul de Ştiinţe ale Naturii „Grigore Antipa” Botoşani, 2Grupul Şcolar de Industrie Uşoară Botoşani,3Facultatea de Fizică, Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iaşi
Abstract: Covaşă Nadia Mona1, Covaşă Dumitru Alin2, Leontie Liviu3 Liceul de Ştiinţe ale Naturii „Grigore Antipa” Botoşani Grupul Şcolar de Industrie Uşoară Botoşani Facultatea de Fizică, Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iaşi, Bd. Carol I, nr.11, Iaşi ABSTRACT: With increasing global change pressures, cities of the future will experience difficulties as they are forced to manage scarcer and less reliable water resources. In order to meet these challenges, a paradigm shift in the way we manage urban water systems is required. The paradigm shift should be based on several key concepts including: flexible and robust system design, interventions over the entire urban water cycle; reconsideration of the way water is used (and reused); and a more efficient use of natural systems for water and waste water treatment. This will substantially contribute to a reduction in the vulnerability of cities and an increase in their capacity and preparedness to cope with global changes. This research is a project that aims to create this paradigm shift by developing scientific, technological and socio-economic solutions for the sustainable and effective management of water in the city of the future – 2050.
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Revista V. Adamachi