Revista Ştiinţifica "V. Adamachi"
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Facultatea de Fizică
Facultatea de Fizică
Universitatea "Al.I.Cuza" Iaşi
Titlu: Fluorescence Anisotropy Characterization of Polymers
Autori: Ana Gârlea, V. Pohoaţă, G. Singurel, V. Melnig
Afiliere: Universitatea “Al.I.Cuza”, Iaşi, Facultatea de Fizică
Abstract: Fluorescence spectroscopy is a powerful and effective tool for studying the physical and chemical behavior of macromolecules. Since fluorescence techniques are not only highly sensitive but also nondestructive, they are useful for monitoring real time changes in the formation of very small amounts of products and/or changes in the microenvironment. However, only limited information on the fluorescence properties of material polymers is now available. Therefore, we have been investigating the luminescence of material polymers with aromatic groups in the main chain, especially polyurethanes.
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Revista V. Adamachi