Revista Ştiinţifica "V. Adamachi"
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Facultatea de Fizică
Facultatea de Fizică
Universitatea "Al.I.Cuza" Iaşi
Titlu: Interdisciplinarity, principle and method of restructuring quality in schools
Autori: prof.Elena Vrabie, prof. Letiţia Mitrea
Afiliere: Technical Colledge “Ioan C. Ştefănescu” , str. Socola nr. 51-53 , Iaşi , Romania
Abstract: This work was made as a sinthesis of the best concepts and practical practices of interdisciplinarity that can be applied in preuniversitary schools nowadays . Since the interdiciplinarity is rarely understood corectly and thorowly applied we thougt of some ways of using complementarity and team-work in order to promote this valuable concept in our lessons , for our pupils . The Appendix contains a detailed plan for the lessons: “ The atom’s structure . Radioactivity and radioactive desintegration. Nuclear fision and the nuclear reactor “, in wich we followed the compatibility between the physical and chemical concepts also the compatibility with the pupils ages , correct difference between chemical and physical concepts , practical skills developement , and the proper corelations that can be found between these two disciplines .
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Revista V. Adamachi