Revista Ştiinţifica "V. Adamachi"
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Facultatea de Fizică
Facultatea de Fizică
Universitatea "Al.I.Cuza" Iaşi
Titlu: Magnetismul structurilor si tesuturilor biologice. Subiect al activitatilor extracurriculare.
Autori: Natașa Mihaela Ursulean1, Vasile Ursulean1, Ioana Călțun2, Ovidiu Călțun3

1 Școala cu clase I - VIII Brodina, județul Suceava
2 Liceul teoretic Vasile Alecsandri Iași
3 Facultatea de Fizică, Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza Iaşi


Magnetism  in  human  cells,  tissues,  living  organisms,  animals  and  the  human  being  can  be  a  very  exciting  subject  for students regardless of age or school performance. It is known or in scientific media often discussing magnetism in living organisms, from bacteria to vertebrates. The magnetic field and cells with "magnetic properties" can explain the ability to orient, navigate and survive organisms. With pupils in extracurricular activities (club activities, trips, individual projects, thematic school trips, etc.), the behavioural responses induced by the terrestrial magnetic field in living organisms can be discussed.  Activities  can  seek  and  find  explanations  for  observing  that  many  animal  groups,  including  birds  and cetaceans,  react  to  magnetic  anomalies  of  the  terrestrial  magnetic  field  (below  100  nT),  which  implies  the  ability  to receive  variations sometimes at the limit of the improved magnetometers. Explanations can excite children's  interest in deepening  the  knowledge  of  electromagnetism,  useful  in  everyday  life.  In  the  case  of  simple  bacteria  the  explanation becomes very intuitive for students using "nano crystals of magnetite” passively rotate the cells of the microorganisms as a simple compass. Explanations may be more elaborate and require students to understand transdisciplinary concepts.
The  implementation  of such activities has shown  that students can acquire correct representations of  concepts such as: "biogenic  magnetite,  mineralization  of  magnetite  by  animals,  magnetoreceptor,  electroreceptor,  magnetotactic  bacteria, magnetic clusters,  magnetic  dipoles, relaxation of dipoles,  etc. Difficult to  introduce through simple activities such as a knowledge transfer lesson these concepts can be introduced in extracurricular activities. Students' interest in such subjects revealed through  instructive  activities  with  transdisciplinary  approaches  is  impressive  and  can  be  exploited  to  increase student motivation for in-depth studies of science and engineering. 

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