Revista Ştiinţifica "V. Adamachi"
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Facultatea de Fizică
Facultatea de Fizică
Universitatea "Al.I.Cuza" Iaşi
Titlu: Modern assessment methods for an increased performance in the study of Physics
Autori: Nicolae Iutes Petrescu1, Teodora Iutes Petrescu2
Afiliere: 1Transport School Group Ploiesti 2“Nichita Stanescu” National College Ploiesti
Abstract: The paper pursued several means of achieving competence in the field of Physics study for 11th grade students in supplementary classes and 12th grade progressive route students. The subject of the study is aimed at over 70,000 students in the country and relies on observations made during a whole school year on a sample of 11 classes of students having atended SAT (School of Arts and Trades). Starting from the correct diagnosis of the initial real-life situation of the students under observation, from managing them so as to help them become their own evaluators, one acquires an awareness of competences gained by high school students in the study of Physics, a change in students’ mentality as to their capacity of learning and understanding, an increased efficiency in teacher-student information transfer and cognitive progress. Student evaluation is performed through a variety of methods, both as part of the practical lessons with frontal experiments and by means of non-standardized tests and check-ups with ever more complex requirements, which point out specific skills and capabilities, but also weaknesses in previous grade education, allowing for an estimation of the extent to which competences specific to the study of Physics have been acquired. Progress in gaining Physics knowledge is shown with the help of the diagrams for each class of students under observation presented in the study. The methods employed by the authors have provided students with learning activities such as: practical actions, knowledge rendering, procedures related to knowledge and emotional involvements that lead students to a correct assessment of their results and to self-knowledge, showing that evaluation can be considered a learning method in itself.
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Revista V. Adamachi