Revista Ştiinţifica "V. Adamachi"
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Facultatea de Fizică
Facultatea de Fizică
Universitatea "Al.I.Cuza" Iaşi
Titlu: Modern teaching technologies employed in teaching Physics with the help of the interactive board
Autori: Teodora Iutes Petrescu1, Nicolae Iutes Petrescu2
Afiliere: 1“Nichita Stanescu” National College Ploiesti 2Transport School Group Ploiesti
Abstract: The paper contains the result of a comparative teaching study concerning means of approaching the experiment in Physics lessons, namely classical or modern approaches, with the help of the (touch screen) interactive board. The modern dimension does not consist in choosing between the real or the virtual experiment, but in experimenting both really and virtually within a scientific research method. Classically, the experiment is used in high school in order to check certain physical laws, to establish certain physical constants or to observe the development of certain phenomena in nature. In modern approaches, starting from a contradiction, a query found in the development of a phenomenon, the experiment, employing scientific research methods, offers the solution, revealing the novelty that annuls the contradiction. One of the multiple functions of the interactive board is to simulate real-life situations in which complex physical phenomena occur. Thus, students can observe, analyze and discover unexpected interdependences between certain physical measures, which helps them answer questions of the “why” type themselves. By giving students the impression they learn while playing, the modern approach of the experiment is more pleasant, more interesting and more effective for students in their understanding and deeper study of physical phenomena. The experiment thus acquires the value of a scientific discovery, pointed out through the concrete results obtained on 9th grade science student samples and through the diagrams presented in the paper concerning the evolution of students’ initiative and the degree of satisfaction reached in studying Physics.
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Revista V. Adamachi