Revista Ştiinţifica "V. Adamachi"
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Facultatea de Fizică
Facultatea de Fizică
Universitatea "Al.I.Cuza" Iaşi
Titlu: Ophthalmic solutions in interaction with contact lenses surface
Autori: Andreea Ungureanu, Delia Spridon, Florentina Tofoleanu, Nicoleta Dumitrascu
Afiliere: Faculty of Physics, “Al. I. Cuza” University, 700506 Iasi
Abstract: Contact lenses interact with fluids from ophthalmic cavity, so it is very important that these fluids do not change the contact lens properties such as transparency, smoothness, isotropy, permeability etc. In this paper it was investigated the interaction between ophthalmic solutions and the surface of poly (methyl methacrylate), a polymer used for contact lens fabrication. The interface was in vitro analyzed by means of contact angle measurements and AFM images.
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Revista V. Adamachi