Revista Ştiinţifica "V. Adamachi"
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Facultatea de Fizică
Facultatea de Fizică
Universitatea "Al.I.Cuza" Iaşi
Titlu: Physics laboratory and computers
Autori: Ioana Caltun1, Valentina Sandulescu2, Caltun Ovidiu Florin3
Afiliere: 1Vasile Alecsandri High School, Iasi, Romania, [email protected] 2Vasile Alecsandri High School, Iasi, Romania 3Faculty of Physics and Carpath Center, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi, Romania
Abstract: The inquiry based strategies and interactive methods supported by information and communication technologies used in Physics classroom activities and laboratory practices are not so news. In most of the cases ICT is used in presenting to the students physical phenomena hardly to be reproduced in the laboratory or very rare in the environment or difficult to be observed due to the short of long time of occurrence. A very enthusiastic physics teachers group started the PhysTech project coveting the endowment of the school’s Physics Laboratory with computers networks and touch screen table assisted by Advanced E-Learning system. In the first stage of the project was installed the multi touch screen table and teachers and students become familiar with and discovered the table usefulness in analyzing experimental data, phenomena, physics laws etc. In the second stage was installed the computers networks and students and teachers plasticized the Intra and Internet facilities offered by AEL system. Now the project is in the third stage in which students and teachers contribute to the software collection and application supporting the instructional activities. For the moment physics is not a so boring subject. Some of the students increased their performance level, interest and self esteem. A special attention was paid to the students with high level of performances. In this case the instructional process is an individualized one student receiving special tasks. [1] E. F. Redish, New Models of Physics Instruction Based on Physics Education Research, Proceedings of the Deustchen Physikalischen Gesellschaft Jena Conference (1996)
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Revista V. Adamachi