Revista Ştiinţifica "V. Adamachi"
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Facultatea de Fizică
Facultatea de Fizică
Universitatea "Al.I.Cuza" Iaşi
Titlu: Playful Physics. Learning through projects
Autori: Cătălina Andrei
Afiliere: Physics, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Theoretical Lyceum, Iasi, Romania
Abstract: The project has become a necessary tool for performing human activities in all areas of socio-economic field, and educational too. Therefore, teaching through projects, can generate an educational background in order to develop useful skills in XXIst century: responsibility, adaptive capacity, creativity, critical and systemic thinking, communication and collaboration skills. This form of learning develops knowledge, skills and attitudes by promoting expanded workloads that promote investigation, demonstration through various instructional strategies, thereby improving scholar performance. Physics is a complex, interesting, logical and beautiful discipline to enthusiasts, but also difficult (with mathematics). This is perhaps the reason for the low number of pupils studying this field, but not interest in. We have therefore sought ways or means to stimulate pupils' interest, to attract them to study of this area. One way is an attractive and effective teamwork, project development and application through interesting collective activities inspired by daily life. Learning / deciphering of complex concepts, including ENERGY, as energy education is a priority for society and may be discovered in a nice and pleasant manner. Today young people learn about energy, its rational and efficient use, alternative/renewable energy and over the years we have adults fully aware of the importance of issues relating to energy and energy efficiency. An advocacy in this regard is the project concerning U4Energy-awareness campaign for energy efficiency - to illustrate the topic above: learning physics in a playful manner. Bibliografie [1]. Călţun, O. F., ”Didactica fizicii”, Editura Universităţii „Al.I.Cuza“ Iasi, 2002. [2]. Cucoş, C., Pedagogie, Ed. Polirom Iaşi 2002 [3]. Cerghit, I., Perfecţionarea lecţiei în şcoala modernă, E.D.P., Bucureşti, 1983. [4].
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Revista V. Adamachi