Facultatea de Fizică Universitatea "Al.I.Cuza" Iaşi
Titlu: Poluarea apei potabile cu metale în unele centre urbane din România şi Spania |
Autori: Mihaela-Cristina Anton, Maria-Mercedes Baltazar Rojas, Alina-Elena Aluculesei ,
Ramona Marguţă, Dana-Ortansa Dorohoi |
Afiliere: Universitatea ,,Al. I. Cuza”, Facultatea de Fizică |
Abstract: Drinking water is a common concern for people in all over the world. It is more and more obvious the relation between the drinking water contamination and the generating or supporting factors of some diseases like cancer, congenital malformations, acute and chronic poisoning. Whether or not drinking water is safe for our health depends on which impurities are present and in what amounts. This paper is intended to be a comparative study concerning water pollution with metals in Romania and Spain. |
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