Facultatea de Fizică Universitatea "Al.I.Cuza" Iaşi
Titlu: Simularea spectrului canelat al luminii albe după propagarea printr-un strat anizotrop de grosime constantă plasat între doi polarizori |
Autori: Irina Dumitraşcu, Leonaş Dumitraşcu, Dana Ortansa Dorohoi |
Afiliere: Universitatea „Al.I. Cuza” Iaşi, Facultatea de Fizică, B-dul Carol I, nr. 11, 700506, Iaşi, România |
Abstract: The transmission factor of a system consisting from a uniaxial anisotropic layer of constant thickness placed between two crossed polarizers is expressed as function of its birefringence and thickness. An applet in Java simulates the emerging beam characteristics for different optical and geometrical parameters,such as refractive indices and the thickness of the anisotropic layer. The applet permit to understand thechanneled spectrum and the thickness computation of special anisotropic plates used to study and to change the light polarization state. |
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