Revista Ştiinţifica "V. Adamachi"
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Facultatea de Fizică
Facultatea de Fizică
Universitatea "Al.I.Cuza" Iaşi
Titlu: Structural characterization of soft gelatin nanofibers
Autori: Goldemberg Marcel Raul1, Valentin Nica1, Gheorghiţă Zbancioc2,Ionel Mangalagiu2, Vasile Ţura1
Afiliere: 1Faculty of Physics, 2Faculty of Chemistry, „Al. I. Cuza” University,Iaşi
Abstract: Gelatin and collagen are natural biopolymers widely used in medical and pharmaceutical applications. In the last years, the use of gelatin nanofibers as wound dressings and drug delivery carriers had found many applications in biomedicine [1, 2]. Gelatin based wound dressings and drug delivery systems have many advantages as compared with traditional materials, such as improved therapeutic effects, reduced toxicity and convenience [3]. Due to their strong polarity, gelatin molecular chains are connected through strong hydrogen bonds and form 3D macromolecular networks (double or triple helix) with reduced mobility. When high-polarity solvents are acting on gelatin, the links between chains are broken and the biopolymer structure changes from helix to random-coil. Moreover, gelatin undergoes reversible helix-coil transformations, depending on the solvents used. The addition of a crosslinking agent to a gelatin solution may promote or hinder the helix recovery, depending on the relative rates of crosslinking and helix formation [4].
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Revista V. Adamachi