Revista Ştiinţifica "V. Adamachi"
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Facultatea de Fizică
Facultatea de Fizică
Universitatea "Al.I.Cuza" Iaşi
Titlu: Studiul efectului Hall extrordinar in multistraturi magnetice de ...
Autori: Victoria-Mariana Constantin, Petronela Pascariu, Lavinia Vlad si Violeta Georgescu
Afiliere: Faculty of Physics ,“Al. I. Cuza” University, 700506 Iasi, Romania
Abstract: In this work we report some experimental results concerning the magnetic properties and the extraordinary Hall effect observed on [Co/Pt]n electrodeposited multilayers, with n = (27 ÷ 126). The Hall resistivity displays two components: the ordinary Hall effect, related to the Lorentz force acting on moving charge carriers, and a second component (called the extraordinary Hall effect) that appears only in ferromagnetic samples, due to their intrinsic magnetization). We have prepared two series of Co/Pt multilayers with different thicknesses of Pt layers: (3.55÷4.00) nm for the first series and (40÷134) nm for the second one. The Co layers thickness was comprised between 0.60 nm and 27.60 nm. Torsion magnetometry measurements reveals out of plane anisotropy and anti-ferromagnetic type coupling between component layers, for the first series of samples. These Co/Pt multilayers exhibit very large values of the extraordinary Hall resistance (of about 300 %).
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Revista V. Adamachi