Facultatea de Fizică Universitatea "Al.I.Cuza" Iaşi
Titlu: Studiul fizicii organizat ca act educaţional centrat pe elev |
Autori: Ecaterina Angheluţă1, Cătălin Angheluţă2 |
Afiliere: 1Grupul Şcolar Industrial „Al.I.Cuza”, Bârlad, jud.Vaslui
2Liceul Teoretic”Mihai Eminescu”, Bârlad, jud.Vaslui |
Abstract: The articles presents the methodology of the educational pursuit centered on the student, the way it can be used in the study of the physics, and an analysis of the strong and weak points, of the opportunities, and threats, that characterizes, this approach of the initial formation. |
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