Revista Ştiinţifica "V. Adamachi"
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Facultatea de Fizică
Facultatea de Fizică
Universitatea "Al.I.Cuza" Iaşi
Titlu: Studiul individual – integrat în munca de grup în învăţarea fizicii.
Autori: Rodica Elisabeta Secara1, Vasile Dorel Saitos1, Maria Corina Pop2
Afiliere: 1Colegiul Tehnic ”Traian Vuia”, Str. C. Brancoveanu 12A, Oradea, Judetul Bihor, 2Liceul Teoretic”Solomon Halita”, Str. Republicii 23, Sangeorz Bai, Judetul Bistrita Nasaud
Abstract: The reform of the Rumanian education involves a change that concerns the dialogue between teacher and student. The teacher is the one who organises the dialogue, selects and structures the material, chooses the most suitable activity for student and reinforces the material already-taught. The following study deals with arguments concerning the efficiency of the individual study use within the group work in teaching Physics in the high-school and it refers to those students who have taken part in scientific activities in experiences of Romanian educational institutions involvement in the European activities The Science Week 2003,The Day of the Phrancofonye 2003, The Transit of the Venus 2004.
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Revista V. Adamachi