Facultatea de Fizică Universitatea "Al.I.Cuza" Iaşi
Titlu: Surse neconvenţionale de energie. Captator solar plan |
Autori: Antonela Marele1, Huţu Tudor2, Conf.dr. Diana Mardare3 |
Afiliere: 1Facultatea de Fizică, Secţia Fizica Straturilor Subţiri, Univ. "Alexandru Ioan Cuza", B-dul Carol I., Nr. 11, 700506-Iasi
2Facultatea de Fizică, Secţia Fizică, Univ. "Alexandru Ioan Cuza",
B-dul Carol I., Nr. 11, 700506-Iasi
3 Facultatea de Fizică, Univ. "Alexandru Ioan Cuza",B-dul Carol I., Nr. 11, 700506-Iasi |
Abstract: The unconventional sources of energy present an increasing importance everywhere in the world due to the global pollution problems. In this work we present a device performed to study the conversion of solar energy into thermal energy, based on greenhouse effect. The heating of a liquid passing through some blackened tubes exposed to the sun, increases by covering the tubes with glass. This glass is transparent for visible and near infrared radiations that comes from the sun and is opaque for the far infrared ones emitted by the heated tubes. The thermal losses produced by radiation are reduced. |
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