Revista Ştiinţifica "V. Adamachi"
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Facultatea de Fizică
Facultatea de Fizică
Universitatea "Al.I.Cuza" Iaşi
Titlu: The teaching of integrated science - an important step in shaping teenagers personality today. Survey and experiments.
Autori: MARIANA MIHĂILĂ1, Nicoleta Dragan1, Rodica Popescu2

1 Colegiul National ,,Jean Monnet’’, 100574, Ploiesti, Romania 2Colegiul Naţional „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Ploieşti


Considering the requirement and conditions of school in Romania, the place applied sciences occupies in the Romanian educational program, and the way it is studied today in the world, a new curriculum was developed for the sixth to twelfth grades in physics, chemistry and sciences teaching. The integrated learning in science teaching is a scientific teaching experiment attempt to complete and to harmonize the education of young pupils in order to broaden their experience and satisfy their curiosity, to made them to realize the interdependence between applied sciences and to detect their natural dispositions .Moreover, the team work of the physics and chemistry teachers regarding topics, which are elaborated in common, prepares for the development of coherent scientific teaching throughout school attendance without forgetting the specific aspects of each subject. The integrated course is based on the results of a survey which was meant to identify the impact of science on the spiritual life of students of preuniversity classes and on their interest in sciences. The study also had the purpose of testing for these students the talent, skills and knowledge in this field. The survey was made at “JEAN MONNET” National College in Ploiesti, on a target group of 300 students, from the 8th to 12 th grade. In working out this experiment, some basic ideas have bean of concern: - tackling the topics in a unitary concept; - bringing the information up-to-date with the most recent scientific research; - doing away with the repetitions overlapping, and the achievement of a better correlation between disciplines in order to avoid the overburdening of the pupils. - the judicious phasing of knowledge in the years of the study and cycles of learning, taking into account the operational character, the possibilities of assimilating the pupils at the level of each age; - the development of the practical applicative and educational character. Hopefully, such integrated courses has to provide the basic education that every citizen should have for the rest of his life.

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