Revista Ştiinţifica "V. Adamachi"
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Facultatea de Fizică
Facultatea de Fizică
Universitatea "Al.I.Cuza" Iaşi
Titlu: DNA damages induced by ionizing radiations: a Monte Carlo investigation
Autori: Andreea Verdes 1 , Catalin Borcia 2 , Dan Mihailescu 2
Afiliere: 1 Institutul de Sănătate Publică, Laboratorul de Igiena Radiaţiilor, 700465 Iaşi 2 Universitatea „Al. I. Cuza“, Facultatea de Fizică, 700506 Iaşi
Abstract: The purpose of this work was to theoretically investigate the clustering process within the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) using a fast Monte Carlo code for damages simulation, MCDS, released by by R. D. Stuart and colab. from Purdue University (USA). MCDS algorithm provides a very fast quasiphenomenological method to interpolate damage yields from computationally expensive, but more detailed, trackstructure simulations. We have calculated the overall yield of SSBs, DSBs and sites of multiple BDs as well as the DNA damage spectra for electrons (low LET), protons and alpha particles (higher LET particles) in the energy range 1 – 5.3 MeV. As expected, DNA lesions become more complex as LET increases. Such theoretical studies are useful for biophysical modelling, guiding the present and future experimental efforts in radiobiology.
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Revista V. Adamachi