Facultatea de Fizică Universitatea "Al.I.Cuza" Iaşi
Titlu: Efectul de memoria formei |
Autori: Gabriela Jicmon |
Afiliere: Grup Şcolar „Doamna Stanca”, Bucureşti |
Abstract: Shape Memory Efect (SME) is a fenomenon that is not characteristic to very many materials. It’s explanation is connected to the martensitic phase transformation, which is a diffusionless solid state transformation known also as the „military” transformation, because the athoms are moving on small distancies, all the same, keeping the old christhalin structure quait unmodified. All this is accurately descriebed by the linear algebra. The applications of this effect are various and spectacular, from the spatial and automobilistic industries, to the medical field, and only recently studied and developed. The present essey relates the main theoretical aspects concerning this marvelous effect and it’s special characteristics in metalic materials. Some thermodinamic aspects are also presented and also some general applications of the „smart materials”, as the materials that present the Shape Memory Effect are also known. |
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