Revista Ştiinţifica "V. Adamachi"
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Facultatea de Fizică
Facultatea de Fizică
Universitatea "Al.I.Cuza" Iaşi
Titlu: Electron Spin Resonance
Autori: Emilia Dana Seleţchi
Afiliere: Grup Şcolar ,,Doamna Stanca’’, Str. Porumbacu nr. 52, sector 6, Bucureşti
Abstract: The Electron Spin Resonance Method is a young dating technique with a wide potential for its application. It has been used for determining the age of Quaternary aragonitic coral, thick-walled mollusks and planktonic foraminiferal tests from pelagic sediments, bones and tooth enamel. ESR ages can cover from a few hundred years to well above 1 M.a. ESR ages of the aragonitc shells fossils concord well with 14C and 230234ThU ages. Annual variation in 3SO signal intensity, for example, might indicate paleo-environmental changes and climate fluctuations. The present document doesn’t intend to describe the Electron Spin Resonance technique in its complexity, just to describe the experimental techniques, making a summary of carbonates and organic spectra. A new methodology for the provenance of ancient monuments and artifacts was developed by using a large number of marble spectrum parameters. ESR dosimetry has been applied in past radiation accidents and is recognized as an effective method.
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Revista V. Adamachi