Revista Ştiinţifica "V. Adamachi"
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Facultatea de Fizică
Facultatea de Fizică
Universitatea "Al.I.Cuza" Iaşi
Titlu: Evaluarea prin metoda proiectului
Autori: Nastasia Covaci1, Delia Vaduva2
Afiliere: 1 Grupul Şcolar “Anghel Saligny”, Str Brestei Nr. 97, Craiova, Dolj 2Şcoala “Petrache Poenaru, Str. V. Alecsandri, Craiova, Dolj
Abstract: The project is an alternative method of summing evaluation .It might be realized by one pupil or by a team made up of 5-6 pupils. The theme is usually proposed by the teacher ,but after having realized a few projects , pupils will choose themselves the subject they want to work to. We think this method is very appropriate because (a) it stimulates the pupil’s interest and his wish in creating something new, (b) it allows the free initiative in the search of information and in the choice of solutions (c) the accomplishment of the task provides self confidence and prestige among his collegues, (d) it developes the abilities to work as a member of a team and affectively involves hi. The best works are used for endowing the physics lab, or the school’s (virtual) library. We present, as an example “ The energy – limits and prospects”
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Revista V. Adamachi