Revista Ştiinţifica "V. Adamachi"
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Facultatea de Fizică
Facultatea de Fizică
Universitatea "Al.I.Cuza" Iaşi
Titlu: Influenţa stresului bioclimatic asupra procesului de evaluare
Autori: Bobîrnat Adriana 1 , Hăulică Mariana 2 , Liviu Leontie 3
Afiliere: 1 Colegiul Economic „Anghel Rugină”, Str. Traian Nr.1, 730162, Vaslui 2 Şc. Gen. Nr. 10 „M. Sadoveanu”,Str.Victor Babeş Nr.1,730019, Vaslui 3 Facultatea de Fizică, Universitatea “Al. I. Cuza”, Bd. Carol I, Nr. 11, 700506, Iaşi
Abstract: The state of thermic comfort in human subjects depends on objective factors (the environmental conditions), as well as objective factors, which vary from one person to another for the same moment in time, or from one moment in time to another for the same person. Total bioclimatic stress (ST) expresses the degree of biological strain exerted by a certain climatic environment on the human body, which is subjected, at the skin and lungs level, to the simultaneous action of the three meteorological factors (temperature, pressure, humidity). The total bioclimatic stress is the sum of the two distinct components (stresses), the cutaneous streess (SC) and the pulmonary stress (SP): ST=SC+SP The pulmonary climatic stress (SP) is determined by the influence of air humidity on the respiratory exchanges in lungs, and it is considered that is gets the more acute as the tension of the watery vapours inhaled during breathing is greater (higher pressure on the mucous membrane of the respiratory pathway). The cutaneous climatic stress concerns the feeling of hot and cold produced in the cutaneous epithelium (tegument) during the process of thermoregulation, depending on air temperature and humidity, as well as on the wind. This paper aims to bring out the correlation of the three meteorological factors in their action on human body, which determines the state of thermic comfort in subjects from various climatic environments.
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Revista V. Adamachi