Revista Ştiinţifica "V. Adamachi"
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Facultatea de Fizică
Facultatea de Fizică
Universitatea "Al.I.Cuza" Iaşi
Titlu: Investigation of lipid membranes dipole potential changes via the inner field compensation method
Autori: Loredana Mereuţă, Tudor Luchian
Afiliere: ‘Alexandru I. Cuza’ University, Faculty of Physics, Dept. of Biophysics and Medical Physics, Blvd. Carol I, no 11, Iasi, Romania, R-6600
Abstract: One influential parameter which mediates interactions between many types of molecules and biological membranes stems from the lumped contributions of the transmembrane potential, dipole potential and the difference in the surface potentials at both sides of a membrane. Among the most useful tools devoted to exploring changes of electrical parameters of a lipid membrane induced by certain extracellular ions, lipid composition, and embedded membrane peptides and proteins are spectroscopic imaging and the inner field compensation (IFC) method. In this work we layout the principles of a fully computerized version of the IFC method, which makes it more readily available to users. As a direct application, we deployed this improved version of the IFC method to time-resolve changes induced alamethicin monomers upon membrane’s dipole potential, following their aggregation within artificial lipid membranes. Intriguingly, even prior crossing the membrane core, membrane-bound form of alamethicin monomers are shown to significantly increase the dipole potential of the monolayer they initially reside in.
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Revista V. Adamachi