Revista Ştiinţifica "V. Adamachi"
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Facultatea de Fizică
Facultatea de Fizică
Universitatea "Al.I.Cuza" Iaşi
Titlu: On the fractal objects in nature - fractal dimension and fractal measure – theoretical and practical study for biophysics ..
Autori: Comaniciu Evelina1, Luta Danut1, Mardare Raluca2, Mustata Roxana1, Creanga Dorina1
Afiliere: 1Univ. Al. I. Cuza Iasi, Fac. de Fizica 2Univ. Agronomica Ion Ionescu de la Brad Iasi, Fac. de Med. Veterinara
Abstract: The lesson focused on fractal analysis as an alternative to classical Euclidian geometry assessing of object dimension is proposed for the university students in biophysics but also for the high school students where the concept of fractal is touched. The computational algorithm based on box-plot counting is recommended to be discussed in order to understand how the fractal dimension and fractal measure can be calculated for various images of natural objects with irregular shape. Some specific applications to the study of natural objects are going to be carried out similar leaf shapes as well as between normal and pathological cases in hematology. Computational software should be presented to the students aiming to help in the rapid and accurate calculation of fractal dimension and fractal considering for example the tree leaves or the blood cells – with focus on the possibility of making difference between related plant species with apparently measure on the basis of box-count method. In medical physics the differences between the fractal dimension of the electrographic images of hand and foot could be utilized as complementary diagnostic tools for patients with various health problems. The numerical analysis of biological signals can be also accomplished– the fractal dimension being calculated for the attractors emphasized in the state space for the temporal data series recorded from heart or brain electric activity; mathematical algorithms as the capacity dimension or correlation dimension are recommended to evaluate the fractal dimension of the strange attractors. The students are going to work them selves using commercially available softwares and specific medical images or biological signals recorded for medical diagnosis. Discussion of the final results of the computational study is going to be carried out under the teacher monitoring.
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Revista V. Adamachi