Revista Ştiinţifica "V. Adamachi"
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Facultatea de Fizică
Facultatea de Fizică
Universitatea "Al.I.Cuza" Iaşi
Titlu: Piezoelectric properties of wood samples
Autori: Alexandra Maria Neagu1, Ioana Veronica Ciuchi1, Lavinia Petronela Curecheriu1, Liliana Mitoseriu1
Afiliere: 1Physiscs, "Al. I. Cuza" University, Iasi, Romania
Abstract: The interest in the dielectric and piezoelectric properties of wood reported a significant growth in the last few years, due to their help in understanding the molecular structure of wood, the wood-water interaction and in instrumental and industrial applications [1]. Wood is a natural composite material that is composed mainly of native cellulose and matrix. Cellulose crystallizes in cell walls, forming micro-fibrils. The piezoelectric effect is a universal phenomenon of crystalline materials. In wood the cellulose crystals in the cell wall determine the piezoelectric effect which can be used to examine the dynamic behavior of cellulose [2]. In the present work, dielectric and piezoelectric properties of wood complex structures were studied in a broadband frequency range from 1 Hz to 106 Hz at room temperature, using Impedance Spectroscopy. In order to put in evidence the pressure-induced changes of the complex impedance the samples were measured applying low/high pressure through the electrode. Changes in the dielectric properties vs. frequency were observed for the two types of measurements performed. [1] M. T. Afszal et al., 8th International IUFRO Wood
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Revista V. Adamachi