Facultatea de Fizică Universitatea "Al.I.Cuza" Iaşi
Titlu: Program Java pentru studiul aruncării pe oblică |
Autori: Cristian Constantin Bordeianu , Lucia Bordeianu |
Afiliere: Grupul Şcolar Nr.1 , Str.Calea Transilvaniei Nr.55 , 725100 , Cîmpulung Moldovenesc |
Abstract: The aim of this work is to promote the use of Java language for scientific computing. First we present the advantages of using Java instead other computing languages and then we solve the projectile motion problem using Euler algorithm and a scientific graphical library from [1]. The Java program solves the differential equations with and without air resistance and plots the trajectories. We also calculate the maximum height and the horizontal range from analytical formulas and user can compare these values with the numerical ones using the cursor in graph window. We think that this program can be use with good results in high schools or college. This paper is part of our collaboration with Physics Department of Oregon State University, USA concerning the Computational Physics for Undergraduates program [2],[4]. |
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