Facultatea de Fizică Universitatea "Al.I.Cuza" Iaşi
Titlu: Radarul Doppler în meteorologie |
Autori: Ion Marinică1, Nastasia Covaci2, Delia Văduva3 |
Afiliere: 1C.P.Meteorolog prev.I, Centrul, Meteorologic Regional Craiova
2Grupul Şcolar “Anghel Saligny”, Craiova
3Colegiul Naţional “Ştefan Velovan”, Craiova |
Abstract: The work presents a research concerning dangerous phenomena. The experimental data have been acquired by using meteorological radars, especially the Doppler Radar. The great use of Doppler Radar is illustrated by the example of the tornado that occurred in Facaeni (Ialomita), at 12.08.2002. The development of this tornado was watched by means of the Doppler Radar DWSR – 2500 C and a series of photos of the clouds system were acquired.The conclusions of the research emphasize that, due to the global heating, tornado phenomena will occur more frequently in our country, confirming the assumption that the Earth’s climate is changing. |
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