Revista Ştiinţifica "V. Adamachi"
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Facultatea de Fizică
Facultatea de Fizică
Universitatea "Al.I.Cuza" Iaşi
Titlu: Study of nonlinear resonance of a LCR circuit with ferroelectric materials
Autori: Denisa Andreea Mihu1, Lavinia-Petronela Curecheriu1, Liliana Mitoseriu1
Afiliere: 1Physics, University Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Iasi, Romania
Abstract: The response of the circuits containing ferroelectric capacitors show typical non-linear features: non-linear current and polarization, hysteresis loops of polarization P(E) and current I(E). In the present paper, the non-linear response of a LCR resonant circuit containing a ferroelectric capacitor is investigated. A linear reference capacitor with the same capacitance C0 was alternatively used for recording the resonance curves of the linear LCR circuit I(f). While at low fields, the resonance curves at increasing/decreasing frequency are identical for both types of circuits, at higher voltages a hysteretic behavior is observed for the non-linear circuit. The experimental data were analysed in frame of Landau-Devonshire theory of ferroelectricity, which leads to a non-linear differential equation of the circuit. The computed non-linear responses of the LCR circuits is in good qualitative agreement with the experiment.
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Revista V. Adamachi