Revista Ştiinţifica "V. Adamachi"
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Facultatea de Fizică
Facultatea de Fizică
Universitatea "Al.I.Cuza" Iaşi
Titlu: The Study of Drug Release-controlled Systems Using UV-VIS Spectroscopy
Autori: Irina Trifanov, Diana Ciolacu, Cornelia Vasile, V. Pohoaţă, G. Singurel
Afiliere: Universitatea „Al. I. Cuza” Iaşi, Facultatea de Fizică, Blvd. Carol I no. 11, Iaşi
Abstract: The present study discusses a new type of hydrogels obtained by covalent cross-linking of xantan with cellulose and its use in systems for controlled release of drug. Hydrogels are water swollen crosslinked polymers. The advantages of using them include controlled-release characteristics due to ajustable water sorption and sorption rate, along with good compatibility with biological tissue and fluids. Such systems are known as swelling system of controlled release. The release behavior of a therapeutic agent, procaine (a local anesthetic), was evaluated using a UV-VIS spectrophotometer (LAMBDA 3). We used 3 methods of entrapping the drug into system and obtained a zero-order release profile for a period of nearly 5 hours. For medical application, it can be used as a transdermal delivery system.
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Revista V. Adamachi