Facultatea de Fizică Universitatea "Al.I.Cuza" Iaşi
Titlu: Triboelectricitatea |
Autori: Mariana Mocioi1, Marilena Săseanu2, Violeta Vrabie3, Aurel Săseanu2, Daniela Săseanu2 |
Afiliere: 1Grupul Şcolar „Traian Vuia” Craiova - [email protected],
2Colegiul Naţional „Gheorghe Chiţu” Craiova,
3Group Şcolar „Anghel Saligni” Craiova, |
Abstract: We have chosen this subject because during the secondary school the electrifying through friction is weakly exampled. Here we do not find the behavior of different materials during the process of friction or how electrical weighs appear. This is a field of Physics where we still find uncertain laws. Within this work we explained the appearance of the electric charges through friction. We specified the triboelectric series, which are made so as each substance from a series rubbed with the substances that follow it within the series gets positively electrified. The triboelectric series may differ from an author to another and they may also change considering the circumstances under which the experiment is executed. We also explained that there are cases of electrifying through friction that may lead to an undesired accumulation of electric charges and how these can be removed. Finally, we talked about the ELECTROPHORUS, the simplest electrostatic machine. |
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